Voidblade Vanguard

Faction: Voidborne Dominion

Role: Offensive Specialist (Master Class)

The Voidblade Vanguard is one of the two master class specializations available after fully mastering the Sentinel Adept class in SnapCats. This specialization focuses on offense, aggression, and battlefield domination. Wielding powerful melee and ranged combat abilities infused with dark void energy, the Voidblade Vanguard excels at rapidly closing distances, dealing devastating damage, and overwhelming enemies with both power and speed. The Voidblade Vanguard thrives in close-quarters combat but is versatile enough to handle mid-range engagements as well.

Unlocking the Voidblade Vanguard Class

After mastering the Sentinel Adept class, players are presented with two options: the Voidblade Vanguard or the Aether Warden. Players who choose the Voidblade Vanguard path commit to an offensive role, focusing on high-damage, mobility, and aggressive combat tactics. The Voidblade Vanguard harnesses Void Energy, a rare and powerful force that enhances their attacks and abilities, making them a fearsome opponent on the battlefield.

Voidblade Vanguard Skill Tree Progression

The Voidblade Vanguard’s skill tree is designed to enhance their offensive capabilities while maintaining mobility and survivability in combat. With an array of high-damage abilities, debuffs, and movement-enhancing skills, the Voidblade Vanguard becomes a relentless force, excelling in both PvP and PvE scenarios. The skill tree is divided into several key branches: Void Combat, Phantom Movement, Void Manipulation, and Defensive Counter.

Skill Tree Breakdown:

Void Combat
This branch focuses on empowering the Voidblade Vanguard’s melee and ranged attacks, infusing them with void energy to deal additional damage and apply debilitating effects to enemies.

  • Voidstrike: A powerful melee attack that channels void energy into the Vanguard’s weapon, causing an initial burst of damage followed by a damage-over-time effect that burns the target with dark energy. This ability weakens the enemy’s defenses, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

    Example: A Voidblade Vanguard uses Voidstrike to open a fight, immediately damaging the enemy and applying a damage-over-time effect that reduces the target’s armor.

  • Voidshot: A ranged attack that fires a bolt of void energy from the Vanguard’s weapon. Voidshot deals moderate damage at range and has a chance to apply a debuff that reduces the target’s movement speed, making it easier for the Vanguard to close the gap or disengage.

    Example: The Vanguard uses Voidshot to slow an enemy attempting to flee, allowing them to close in for a finishing blow.

  • Void Cleave: A wide, sweeping melee attack that hits multiple enemies in front of the Voidblade Vanguard. Void Cleave deals heavy area-of-effect damage and has a chance to apply a bleeding effect, causing additional damage over time to all targets hit.

    Example: Surrounded by multiple enemies, the Voidblade Vanguard uses Void Cleave to deal damage to all nearby foes, leaving them weakened and bleeding.

Phantom Movement
This branch enhances the Voidblade Vanguard’s mobility, allowing them to close gaps quickly, dodge incoming attacks, and reposition on the battlefield with ease. These abilities make the Vanguard highly unpredictable and difficult to pin down.

  • Phantom Dash: A teleport-like movement ability that allows the Voidblade Vanguard to instantly dash to a targeted location, dealing damage to all enemies in their path. Phantom Dash can be used both offensively, to close the gap on enemies, or defensively, to escape dangerous situations.

    Example: The Voidblade Vanguard uses Phantom Dash to teleport behind a group of enemies, hitting them from behind and avoiding incoming attacks.

  • Shadow Step: A quick, evasive move that allows the Voidblade Vanguard to dodge an attack and gain a short burst of increased movement speed. This ability is ideal for avoiding heavy attacks or repositioning during combat.

    Example: As a powerful enemy prepares a heavy strike, the Vanguard uses Shadow Step to dodge out of range and reposition for a counterattack.

  • Void Lunge: A forward-moving attack that closes the distance to the target while dealing void-infused damage. This ability is useful for engaging distant enemies or quickly closing the gap in melee combat.

    Example: The Vanguard uses Void Lunge to quickly cover ground and strike an enemy archer before they can react, dealing significant damage on impact.

Void Manipulation
This branch focuses on the Vanguard’s ability to manipulate void energy to affect both enemies and allies. These abilities allow the Vanguard to debuff enemies, boost their own combat effectiveness, and create battlefield control.

  • Voidstorm: Summons a localized storm of void energy that damages all enemies in an area over time. The storm also applies debuffs, reducing the attack speed and defense of any enemies caught within it.

    Example: The Vanguard casts Voidstorm in the middle of an enemy group, weakening their defenses and slowing their attacks while dealing continuous damage.

  • Dark Infusion: Empowers the Voidblade Vanguard with void energy, increasing their damage output and resistance to damage for a short time. This ability is perfect for turning the tide of a battle in the Vanguard’s favor.

    Example: Surrounded and taking heavy damage, the Voidblade Vanguard activates Dark Infusion, boosting their power and resilience, allowing them to survive and counterattack effectively.

  • Void Leech: A vampiric ability that allows the Voidblade Vanguard to drain life from enemies hit by void-infused attacks. Each hit restores a portion of the Vanguard’s health, providing sustain during prolonged engagements.

    Example: The Vanguard uses Void Leech to restore health while fighting multiple enemies, ensuring they can continue the battle without falling.

Defensive Counter
While the Voidblade Vanguard is primarily an offensive class, this branch focuses on enhancing their survivability by allowing them to counterattack or mitigate damage in specific situations.

  • Void Parry: When activated, this ability allows the Vanguard to parry an incoming melee attack and immediately counter with a powerful void-infused strike. This counterattack deals significant damage and can disorient the attacker.

    Example: An enemy charges in for a heavy strike, but the Voidblade Vanguard uses Void Parry to block the attack and counter with a devastating void-infused blow.

  • Dark Ward: A defensive ability that surrounds the Voidblade Vanguard in a shield of void energy, reducing all incoming damage for a short period. This ability can be used in critical moments to survive heavy attacks or focus fire.

    Example: The Vanguard activates Dark Ward when surrounded by enemies, reducing incoming damage and buying time to escape or retaliate.

  • Void Retribution: A reactive ability that triggers when the Voidblade Vanguard takes a significant amount of damage. Void Retribution releases a burst of void energy, damaging all nearby enemies and applying a debuff that weakens their attacks.

    Example: After taking a large hit, Void Retribution activates automatically, sending a shockwave of void energy that stuns nearby attackers and lowers their damage output.

Voidblade Vanguard Playstyle

The Voidblade Vanguard is a high-risk, high-reward class, designed for players who enjoy fast-paced, aggressive combat with an emphasis on mobility and burst damage. The Vanguard thrives in melee combat, using powerful void-infused strikes to devastate enemies up close, while their mobility abilities allow them to quickly close gaps or reposition during battle. The Voidblade Vanguard can also handle mid-range engagements with abilities like Voidshot and Voidstorm, giving them versatility in both PvE and PvP combat scenarios.

Playstyle Characteristics:

  • High Burst Damage:
    The Voidblade Vanguard excels at delivering powerful, void-infused attacks that deal high burst damage, often leaving enemies with debuffs or damage-over-time effects. This makes them particularly effective at taking down high-value targets quickly.

  • Mobility and Evasion:
    With abilities like Phantom Dash and Shadow Step, the Voidblade Vanguard is extremely mobile, allowing them to dart in and out of combat, avoid damage, and quickly reposition for tactical advantage. This mobility makes them difficult to pin down.

  • Area-of-Effect Attacks:
    Abilities like Void Cleave and Voidstorm allow the Voidblade Vanguard to deal damage to multiple enemies at once, making them effective in group engagements or when outnumbered.

  • Sustain Through Void Leech:
    The Voidblade Vanguard isn’t just about pure offense. With abilities like Void Leech, they can sustain themselves in prolonged fights by draining life from enemies, ensuring they stay in the battle longer.

  • Defensive Counters:
    While offense is their focus, abilities like Void Parry and Void Retribution give the Voidblade Vanguard defensive tools to mitigate damage and counterattack when needed.

Pros and Cons of the Voidblade Vanguard


  • High Mobility:
    The Voidblade Vanguard’s mobility abilities allow them to engage and disengage at will, making them highly effective in both offensive and defensive situations.

  • Massive Burst Damage:
    With abilities like Voidstrike and Void Cleave, the Voidblade Vanguard can deal massive damage in a short amount of time, making them ideal for quickly eliminating enemies.

  • Strong Area-of-Effect (AoE) Abilities:
    The Voidblade Vanguard’s AoE attacks like Void Cleave and Voidstorm make them well-suited for handling groups of enemies, both in PvE encounters and PvP scenarios.

  • Sustain and Lifesteal:
    With Void Leech, the Voidblade Vanguard can sustain themselves in longer battles, allowing them to absorb health from enemies and stay in the fight longer.


  • Low Survivability Without Defensive Counters:
    While the Voidblade Vanguard has high offensive potential, they rely heavily on their defensive counter abilities like Dark Ward and Void Parry. If these abilities are on cooldown or unavailable, they are vulnerable to burst damage and crowd control.

  • High Skill Cap:
    Due to their reliance on mobility and quick reaction times, Voidblade Vanguard players need to master timing and positioning to avoid incoming damage and maximize their output. This makes the class challenging for inexperienced players.

  • Limited Crowd Control (CC):
    The Voidblade Vanguard lacks strong crowd control abilities compared to other classes, making it harder for them to control the battlefield without relying on their mobility or damage output.

  • Vulnerable to Ranged Attacks:
    Although the Vanguard can close gaps quickly with Phantom Dash or Void Lunge, they are more effective in close-quarters combat. Ranged attackers who can maintain distance pose a significant threat if the Vanguard cannot reach them quickly.

  • High HAM Pool Consumption:
    The Voidblade Vanguard’s powerful abilities require a significant amount of Health, Action, and Mind (HAM) resources to use. This can make it challenging to maintain sustained damage output in prolonged fights, especially if their HAM pools are not well-managed. Overuse of abilities may leave them vulnerable if their pools are depleted.

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