

Unlocking the Swordsman Class

The Swordsman is an elite melee combat profession in SnapCats, specializing in one- and two-handed swords for close-quarters combat. Swordsmen excel in delivering powerful strikes, blocking incoming attacks, and using their agility to outmaneuver enemies. With a strong focus on precision, defense, and strength, Swordsmen are formidable in duels and large-scale battles alike. To unlock the Swordsman class, players must first master basic melee combat skills and physical conditioning.

Basic Classes Required to Unlock Swordsman:

  1. Brawler (Basic Class):

    • Why It’s Important: The Brawler class provides essential close-combat skills, such as melee weapon handling and defense, which are critical for the Swordsman’s fighting style. Brawlers focus on physical strength and stamina, key traits for mastering the use of swords.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Melee Weapon Proficiency: Increases damage and accuracy when using melee weapons, particularly swords.
      • Defensive Tactics: Enhances the Swordsman’s ability to block and parry incoming attacks, improving their survivability in close combat.
  2. Scout (Optional but Beneficial):

    • Why It’s Important: The Scout class improves agility and movement speed, which are important for Swordsmen who need to close the distance between themselves and their enemies quickly.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Tactical Movement: Increases movement speed and evasiveness, allowing the Swordsman to outmaneuver enemies in combat.

Skill Tree Progression for Swordsman

Once the Brawler class is mastered, players can unlock the Swordsman class. Skill trees for the Swordsman focus on sword mastery, defense, and offensive power. Swordsmen are designed to be powerful melee fighters, capable of delivering devastating blows while defending themselves against incoming attacks.

Swordsman Skill Tree:

  1. One-Handed Sword Mastery:

    • Increases proficiency with one-handed swords, improving damage, speed, and accuracy. One-handed swords allow the Swordsman to strike quickly while maintaining a defensive posture.
    • Example: The Swordsman can wield a one-handed sword with a shield, providing both offensive power and defense.
  2. Two-Handed Sword Mastery:

    • Grants proficiency with two-handed swords, allowing the Swordsman to deliver slower but more powerful strikes. Two-handed swords deal massive damage but require careful timing and positioning.
    • Example: The Swordsman can swing a greatsword in wide arcs, hitting multiple enemies with a single strike.
  3. Parry and Riposte:

    • Unlocks the ability to block or parry an enemy’s attack and immediately counter with a powerful riposte. This skill improves the Swordsman’s defense while allowing them to deal quick, devastating counterattacks.
    • Example: After blocking an enemy’s heavy attack, the Swordsman counters with a precise strike to the enemy’s exposed side.
  4. Blade Dance:

    • Allows the Swordsman to perform a series of rapid, spinning attacks, striking multiple enemies around them. This skill is effective in crowd control situations where the Swordsman is surrounded by enemies.
    • Example: In a crowded battle, the Swordsman spins with their sword, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  5. Shield Block:

    • Increases the effectiveness of using a shield in combination with a one-handed sword. This skill improves the Swordsman’s ability to block incoming attacks and reduces damage taken from frontal assaults.
    • Example: The Swordsman raises their shield to block an incoming arrow or melee strike, preventing damage and creating an opening for a counterattack.
  6. Cleaving Strike:

    • A powerful, two-handed sword attack that deals significant damage to enemies in a straight line. Cleaving Strike is useful for cutting through heavily armored enemies or dealing with groups.
    • Example: The Swordsman swings their greatsword with tremendous force, cutting through multiple enemies in front of them.
  7. Swordplay Expertise:

    • Increases the Swordsman’s overall damage output and reduces stamina consumption when using swords. This skill ensures that the Swordsman can maintain a high level of performance in prolonged battles.
    • Example: The Swordsman can continue to fight effectively even in extended combat situations, without becoming exhausted.

Pros and Cons of the Swordsman Class


  1. Powerful Melee Combat:

    • Swordsmen excel at close-quarters combat, dealing high damage with both one- and two-handed swords. Their ability to parry and riposte makes them dangerous in duels and skirmishes.
  2. Defensive Capabilities:

    • Swordsmen are not just about offense—they can also defend themselves effectively with shield blocks and parrying techniques. This balance of offense and defense makes them versatile in various combat scenarios.
  3. Crowd Control:

    • With skills like Blade Dance and Cleaving Strike, Swordsmen can control large groups of enemies, making them valuable in both PvE and PvP situations where multiple enemies need to be engaged at once.
  4. Versatile Weapon Choices:

    • Swordsmen can switch between one-handed and two-handed swords depending on the situation, offering flexibility in combat. One-handed swords provide speed and defense, while two-handed swords deliver raw power.


  1. Vulnerability to Ranged Attacks:

    • As a melee fighter, the Swordsman is vulnerable to long-range attacks, particularly from snipers or enemies who can keep their distance. Without proper positioning or support, they can be overwhelmed by ranged enemies.
  2. Stamina-Intensive Combat:

    • Swordsmen rely heavily on stamina to perform their powerful attacks and defensive maneuvers. In prolonged battles, they must carefully manage their stamina to avoid becoming fatigued.
  3. Slow Two-Handed Strikes:

    • While two-handed swords deal massive damage, they are slower and require precise timing. Enemies with high mobility can dodge or outmaneuver the Swordsman’s slower attacks.

The Swordsman class is a formidable melee combat profession that excels in close-quarters combat, dealing high damage with both one- and two-handed swords. Swordsmen are powerful in duels and skirmishes, with the ability to parry, riposte, and block incoming attacks. Their versatility in using different types of swords makes them adaptable to a wide range of combat situations. However, their reliance on stamina and vulnerability to ranged attacks require careful management and positioning. Players who enjoy powerful, precise melee combat and tactical defense will find the Swordsman class both rewarding and challenging.


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