
Unlocking the Shipwright Class

The Shipwright is an elite crafting profession in SnapCats, specializing in designing, building, and upgrading ships used for space exploration, combat, and trade. Shipwrights are essential to the game’s economy, providing the ships necessary for both military and civilian purposes. They also play a key role in faction warfare, where custom-built ships can give players a significant advantage in space combat. To unlock the Shipwright class, players must master crafting and resource management skills and have access to rare materials for ship construction.

Basic Classes Required to Unlock Shipwright:

  1. Artisan (Basic Class):

    • Why It’s Important: The Artisan class provides the foundational crafting skills necessary to build complex items and manage resources effectively. Shipwrights need to understand the basics of construction and crafting, which the Artisan class provides.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Crafting Efficiency: Reduces resource consumption when building ships, improving the overall profitability and quality of the final product.
      • Resource Gathering: Enhances the ability to gather and refine materials used in ship construction, such as metals, alloys, and advanced electronics.
  2. Architect (Optional but Beneficial):

    • Why It’s Important: The Architect class focuses on large-scale construction, which can complement the Shipwright’s abilities by providing expertise in designing and constructing large structures, such as spaceports or shipyards.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Structural Engineering: Improves the Shipwright’s ability to design and build larger, more durable ships.

Skill Tree Progression for Shipwright

Once the Artisan class is mastered, players can unlock the Shipwright class. Skill trees for the Shipwright focus on ship design, crafting efficiency, and upgrading ships with specialized components and advanced technology. Shipwrights are critical to the game’s economy, faction warfare, and exploration efforts, providing custom-built ships for combat, trade, and exploration.

Shipwright Skill Tree:

  1. Ship Design Mastery:

    • Increases the Shipwright’s ability to design high-quality ships, improving their speed, durability, and combat capabilities. This skill ensures that Shipwrights can create ships tailored to specific roles, whether for exploration, combat, or trade.
  2. Combat Ship Specialization:

    • Unlocks the ability to design and build ships specifically for combat, enhancing their armor, weapon slots, and maneuverability. Combat ships are essential for faction warfare and PvP space battles.
    • Example: The Shipwright designs a sleek, fast attack ship with powerful laser cannons and reinforced shields, ideal for hit-and-run tactics in space battles.
  3. Trade and Exploration Ship Specialization:

    • Allows the Shipwright to build ships designed for trade, transport, and exploration. These ships are optimized for cargo capacity, fuel efficiency, and long-range travel, making them essential for resource gathering and trade networks.
    • Example: A Shipwright builds a cargo ship with enhanced storage capacity, designed for transporting large quantities of resources across long distances.
  4. Advanced Ship Components:

    • Grants the ability to craft advanced ship components, such as hyperdrives, shield generators, and weapon systems. These components can be installed on ships to improve their overall performance in specific areas.
    • Example: A Shipwright installs an advanced hyperdrive in a ship, allowing it to travel faster and farther than standard models.
  5. Upgrading Ships:

    • Allows the Shipwright to upgrade existing ships by installing new components or improving current ones. This skill ensures that even older ships remain competitive in combat or trade by giving them the latest technology.
    • Example: The Shipwright upgrades a combat ship’s weapons and shields, making it more resilient in battle without requiring a full rebuild.
  6. Fleet Design:

    • Unlocks the ability to design and build entire fleets of ships for faction use, allowing the Shipwright to supply entire groups with combat, trade, and exploration vessels. This skill is essential for large-scale faction warfare or coordinated exploration efforts.
    • Example: A faction commissions a fleet of exploration ships from the Shipwright, outfitting each with specialized components for resource gathering and long-distance travel.
  7. Resource Optimization:

    • Improves the Shipwright’s ability to use materials efficiently, reducing the cost of ship construction and ensuring that rare resources are used to their fullest potential. This skill is crucial for building high-quality ships while minimizing resource expenditure.
    • Example: The Shipwright constructs a high-quality ship using fewer rare materials, increasing profitability without sacrificing performance.

Pros and Cons of the Shipwright Class


  1. High Demand:

    • Shipwrights are in constant demand, as players and factions require custom-built ships for combat, trade, and exploration. The ability to build and upgrade ships makes Shipwrights invaluable to the game’s economy.
  2. Custom Ship Design:

    • Shipwrights can create ships tailored to specific roles, whether for combat, exploration, or trade. This customization allows players to have ships that perfectly fit their needs, providing a competitive advantage in both PvE and PvP scenarios.
  3. Advanced Technology:

    • With access to advanced ship components and upgrade options, Shipwrights can keep their ships on the cutting edge of technology, ensuring they remain effective even as the game evolves.
  4. Faction Fleet Support:

    • Shipwrights can design and build entire fleets for their faction, providing crucial support in faction warfare or large-scale exploration efforts. Their ability to craft specialized ships makes them essential for faction success.


  1. Resource-Intensive:

    • Ship construction requires a large amount of resources, and building high-quality ships often involves rare materials. Shipwrights must maintain a steady supply of resources to keep their operations profitable.
  2. Non-Combat Role:

    • While Shipwrights build combat ships, they themselves are not involved in combat. This makes them dependent on their ships and their faction for protection, especially in PvP scenarios.
  3. Time-Consuming:

    • Building and upgrading ships is a time-intensive process, especially for larger or more complex designs. Shipwrights must carefully manage their time and resources to meet demand.

The Shipwright class is a critical crafting profession in SnapCats, specializing in building and upgrading ships for combat, trade, and exploration. Shipwrights play a key role in the game’s economy, faction warfare, and exploration by providing custom-built ships that give players a competitive edge. With the ability to craft advanced components and upgrade existing ships, Shipwrights ensure that their creations remain relevant and powerful throughout the game. However, the resource-intensive nature of shipbuilding and the time required to construct high-quality vessels make this profession both challenging and rewarding. Players who enjoy crafting, resource management, and large-scale design will find the Shipwright class essential and engaging.


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