Kaelan Voss:

The Lost Traveler of Time

In SnapCats Ascendence ot the Rift, the galaxy stands on the edge of ruin. Star systems that once glimmered with the promise of prosperity have turned into desolate graveyards, their resources stripped bare by centuries of war and unchecked expansion. Among the rubble of these forgotten worlds, a new and dangerous phenomenon has emerged: the time rifts.

These rifts, unpredictable and mysterious, tear open the fabric of reality, exposing long-lost eras and forgotten treasures. But the rifts are not a gift. They are the result of a terrible mistake, an experiment gone wrong, and they threaten to destabilize the galaxy even further. Factions vie for control of these rifts, each one hoping to seize the resources hidden within, regardless of the dangers they pose.

In this chaotic and unforgiving world, one figure’s story rises above the rest: Kaelan Voss, a man driven not by ambition, but by loss and the hope of redemption.

A Father’s Desperation

Kaelan Voss was born on a small frontier planet, a forgotten outpost on the edge of the galaxy, where life was hard and survival was never guaranteed. His parents, Rhea and Jax Voss, were skilled resource surveyors working for the Solari Syndicate. They spent their lives searching for the last remnants of valuable minerals and energy sources, always on the move, always chasing the next lead. From a young age, Kaelan learned the art of survival: how to read the stars, navigate harsh terrain, and most importantly, how to find value in what others discarded.

As an adult, Kaelan followed in his parents’ footsteps, forging a life of exploration and discovery with his own family. He settled down on a small, remote planet with his daughter, forging a path of resilience and strength in a world torn by conflict. For years, Kaelan balanced his life between fatherhood and the dangerous frontier work he knew so well.

Then came the day that everything changed.

The Rift that Took Everything

The Voidborne Dominion, a faction obsessed with power and conquest, was conducting secret experiments in an attempt to manipulate time itself. They believed that by opening portals to the past, they could reach into forgotten eras and pull resources from long-dead civilizations, restoring their empire’s strength. But something went wrong.

The Dominion’s experiment tore open the first time rift, and with it came chaos. Rifts began to appear randomly across the galaxy—unstable and dangerous. Whole sections of planets were swallowed by time, reappearing as ancient ruins or future landscapes, while strange artifacts and terrifying creatures emerged from the fractured timeline.

Kaelan’s family was caught in the crossfire. He was leading his daughter and elderly parents on a routine exploration when disaster struck. A massive rift opened without warning, its swirling energy pulling them toward its maw. In a matter of seconds, his parents and daughter were torn from his side, swallowed by the rift before he could save them.

Kaelan was flung into the chaos, but unlike his family, he was spat back out by the rift—alone.

A Man with a Mission

From that day forward, Kaelan Voss became a man obsessed. The rift had taken everything from him: his daughter, his parents, his entire life. But he refused to believe they were dead. The rifts were not simply paths to destruction—they were windows into time. Somewhere, in the folds of history, Kaelan was certain his family was still alive, lost in the chaos.

He abandoned the safety of the Solari Syndicate and set out on his own, determined to uncover the secrets of the time rifts and find a way to bring his family back. His travels took him to the most dangerous corners of the galaxy, where he honed his skills as a survivor, scavenger, and warrior.

Kaelan is a man of few words, shaped by the harsh realities of his life. He doesn’t trust easily—he’s seen too many betrayals, too many lives lost over greed and power. But beneath his hardened exterior lies a deep well of compassion, and an unshakable belief that somewhere, his family is waiting for him.

He has learned to navigate the rifts better than most, developing an instinct for when and where they might appear. This makes him a valuable, if unpredictable, asset to any faction. But Kaelan has no interest in the power struggles of the galaxy’s great empires. His loyalty is only to himself—and to the promise that one day, he will find his family.

Caught Between Factions

Despite his independence, Kaelan cannot escape the fact that the galaxy is at war. The Solari Syndicate seeks to control the rifts, hoping to stabilize them and restore order to the galaxy. The Voidborne Dominion, creators of the rifts, are hell-bent on using them to further their conquests, regardless of the chaos they’ve caused. The Pirate Faction lurks in the shadows, raiding rift sites and taking whatever they can steal. Meanwhile, the Neutral Faction—traders, scavengers, and survivalists—attempt to carve out a life in the ruins of a galaxy they no longer control.

Kaelan’s unique knowledge of the rifts puts him at the center of this conflict. Every faction wants to exploit his skills, but he remains steadfast in his goal: to find his family, no matter the cost. He’ll work with whoever helps him get closer to that end, but he trusts no one fully.

His journey will take him deeper into the rifts than anyone has ever gone before. Along the way, he’ll uncover dark secrets about the Voidborne Dominion’s experiment and face the growing threat of the Riftborn—beings who seem to exist outside of time and whose motives are still unknown.

Kaelan Voss is a man on a mission, navigating a galaxy where past, present, and future collide. But time is running out, and the more he learns about the rifts, the more he realizes that finding his family may come at a cost far greater than he ever imagined.

The Unfolding Story of Kaelan Voss

Kaelan’s story is one of loss, survival, and hope against impossible odds.

As he races against time to uncover the truth behind the rifts and the fate of his family, players will journey with him through a galaxy filled with danger, intrigue, and the remnants of forgotten civilizations.

In SnapCats Ascendence of the Rift, you will become part of this unfolding saga. Will you stand with Kaelan and uncover the mysteries of the rifts? Or will you carve your own path in the chaos, forging alliances and battling rivals as the galaxy teeters on the edge of time itself?

The story of Kaelan Voss is far from over. His quest is just beginning, and the galaxy awaits those brave enough to step through the rift and into the unknown.

Discover the past. Defend the future. Enter the rift.

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