Image Designer

Unlocking the Image Designer Class

The Image Designer is an elite profession in SnapCats, focused on character customization, appearance alteration, and enhancing the physical attributes of other players. Image Designers can change physical features such as hair, face, body type, and skin color, and can also provide temporary buffs to stats related to appearance, such as charisma, stamina, or agility. To unlock the Image Designer class, players must first master basic crafting and social interaction skills.

Basic Classes Required to Unlock Image Designer:

  1. Artisan (Basic Class):
    • Why It’s Important: The Artisan class provides basic crafting skills, which are essential for creating cosmetic items and tools needed by Image Designers to alter appearances and enhance attributes.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Crafting Efficiency: Reduces resource consumption and improves the success rate when crafting cosmetic tools and materials.
  2. Entertainer (Optional but Beneficial):
    • Why It’s Important: The Entertainer class focuses on social interaction and charisma, which complements the Image Designer’s role in enhancing player attributes related to appearance and social standing.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Charisma Buffs: Provides temporary buffs to charisma and social skills, which can be extended to others through Image Designer abilities.

Skill Tree Progression for Image Designer

Once the Artisan class is mastered, players can unlock the Image Designer class and progress through skill trees focused on appearance customization, cosmetic crafting, and attribute enhancement. The Image Designer allows players to change their appearance and receive buffs that improve their social and physical attributes.

Image Designer Skill Tree:

  1. Appearance Customization:
    • Unlocks the ability to alter the physical features of players, including hair style, facial features, body type, and skin color. These changes are purely cosmetic and allow for personalized character creation.
    • Example: Players can change their hairstyle, eye color, or adjust their body proportions with the help of an Image Designer.
  2. Cosmetic Crafting:
    • Allows Image Designers to craft cosmetic tools and items, such as hair dyes, facial creams, and body sculpting tools. These items are used in the customization process and can be sold or traded to other players.
    • Example: An Image Designer might craft a rare hair dye or a body modification tool that alters the player’s physique.
  3. Stat Enhancement:
    • Grants the ability to temporarily enhance physical and social attributes such as charisma, stamina, and agility. These buffs can provide a boost in combat or social interactions.
    • Example: A charisma buff could improve social standing in certain factions, while an agility buff might increase dodge rate or movement speed temporarily.
  4. Physical Fitness Training:
    • Unlocks the ability to modify a player’s body type and provide buffs related to stamina regeneration, action pool efficiency, and overall health. These buffs are temporary but can have a significant impact on combat effectiveness.
    • Example: A player may receive a buff to their stamina regeneration after undergoing a body modification session with an Image Designer.
  5. Cosmetic Surgery:
    • Allows for more advanced changes to physical features, such as facial reconstruction, scar removal, or body enhancements. This skill is highly sought after by players looking for complete character overhauls.
    • Example: A player with a facial scar might have it removed, or a player can request facial adjustments for a more youthful or rugged appearance.
  6. Appearance Preservation:
    • Enhances the durability of cosmetic changes, allowing them to last longer before reverting to the default appearance. This is especially useful for players who want their modifications to last through extended gameplay sessions.
    • Example: A character’s new hair color or physique remains altered for a longer period, even through combat and environmental exposure.
  7. Advanced Stat Buffs:
    • Unlocks the ability to provide more powerful and long-lasting buffs to attributes such as stamina, health, and action pools. These buffs are often requested before faction wars, major PvP events, or extended missions.
    • Example: A player heading into a large PvP battle might receive a significant stamina or health boost that lasts for the duration of the event.

Pros and Cons of the Image Designer Class


  1. Highly Sought-After Role:
    • Image Designers offer unique services that are not only cosmetic but also provide valuable buffs to stats, making them highly sought after by players looking to enhance their appearance and combat capabilities.
  2. Customizable Appearance:
    • Players can completely overhaul their appearance, from hair color to body type, giving them a personalized and unique look within the game world.
  3. Stat Buffs:
    • Image Designers can provide powerful buffs to attributes such as charisma, stamina, and health, making them important to players looking to boost their performance in combat or social situations.
  4. Social and Roleplay Opportunities:
    • The Image Designer class opens up opportunities for social interactions and roleplay, as players often visit Image Designers to prepare for events, faction meetings, or large-scale battles.


  1. Non-Combat Role:
    • The Image Designer class is almost entirely focused on cosmetic changes and attribute enhancements, with little to no combat abilities. Designers must rely on their social skills and crafting abilities to succeed.
  2. Resource Intensive:
    • Crafting cosmetic tools and providing stat buffs requires a steady supply of materials and resources, making the profession resource-heavy, especially for high-demand services.
  3. Temporary Buffs:
    • The buffs provided by Image Designers are temporary, requiring players to return frequently for enhancements. This can be time-consuming for both the Image Designer and the player.

The Image Designer class is an elite cosmetic and support profession in SnapCats, allowing players to alter their appearance and gain temporary buffs to attributes such as charisma, stamina, and agility. Image Designers offer unique services that are highly valued in the game’s social and combat systems. While the class lacks combat abilities, its ability to craft cosmetic tools and enhance player attributes makes it a crucial profession for those interested in customization and support roles. Players who enjoy creative, social, and support-based gameplay will find the Image Designer class to be both rewarding and essential in SnapCats.



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