Armor Encumbrance

Armor and Encumbrance in SnapCats

In SnapCats, armor plays a vital role in protecting players from various types of damage, but it comes at a cost. The weight and complexity of the armor result in encumbrance, which directly affects the player’s Mind, Action, and Health pools. Each armor piece has an encumbrance value assigned to these three pools, representing how much it drains them. The more heavily encumbered a player is, the fewer points they have in those pools to use for combat, actions, and overall stamina.

Core Armor Stats

  1. Damage Resistance:

    • Description: This stat determines how much protection the armor provides against different types of damage. Resistances vary based on the armor type and materials used.
    • Types of Resistance:
      • Kinetic Resistance: Protection against physical attacks like melee, bullets, and projectiles.
      • Energy Resistance: Protection against energy-based attacks like lasers or plasma.
      • Blast Resistance: Protection against explosive damage.
      • Heat and Cold Resistance: Protection against temperature-based attacks or environments.
      • Acid Resistance: Protection against corrosive attacks.
    • Example:
      • Durasteel Armor: 45% kinetic resistance, 30% energy resistance, 20% heat resistance.
  2. Encumbrance:

    • Description: Encumbrance represents the physical and mental toll that wearing armor takes on the player. It affects the three key pools:
      • Mind Pool: Related to the player’s mental stamina and abilities.
      • Action Pool: Governs physical actions like running, shooting, and performing abilities.
      • Health Pool: Represents the player’s physical health and hit points.
    • How It Works: Heavier armor, such as metal or composite armor, tends to have higher encumbrance values that drain the Mind, Action, and Health pools. Light armor has minimal encumbrance, allowing players to retain more points in these pools.
    • Example:
      • Durasteel Armor: Mind Encumbrance: 15, Action Encumbrance: 20, Health Encumbrance: 25.
      • Leather Armor: Mind Encumbrance: 5, Action Encumbrance: 8, Health Encumbrance: 10.

Armor Types and Encumbrance

  1. Light Armor:

    • Description: Light armor is designed for players who need mobility and minimal encumbrance. It provides moderate protection but has low encumbrance, making it ideal for classes that rely on Action and Mind pools, such as Scouts and Marksmen.
    • Encumbrance:
      • Mind: 5-10 points
      • Action: 8-15 points
      • Health: 10-15 points
    • Resistances:
      • Moderate kinetic resistance, low energy and blast resistance.
    • Example:
      • Tanned Leather Armor: 20% kinetic resistance, 10% energy resistance, Mind: 7, Action: 10, Health: 12.
  2. Medium Armor:

    • Description: Medium armor provides a balance between protection and encumbrance. It offers better resistance than light armor, but at the cost of higher encumbrance on all three pools. It is ideal for classes that need a balance between defense and stamina, such as Bounty Hunters or Carbineers.
    • Encumbrance:
      • Mind: 10-15 points
      • Action: 15-25 points
      • Health: 20-30 points
    • Resistances:
      • Balanced kinetic and energy resistance with moderate protection from blasts and heat.
    • Example:
      • Reinforced Composite Armor: 35% kinetic resistance, 25% energy resistance, Mind: 12, Action: 18, Health: 22.
  3. Heavy Armor:

    • Description: Heavy armor offers the highest protection but has significant encumbrance, heavily draining the player’s pools. It is ideal for tanks or frontline fighters like Swordsmen or Commandos, who prioritize defense over mobility and stamina.
    • Encumbrance:
      • Mind: 20-25 points
      • Action: 25-35 points
      • Health: 30-40 points
    • Resistances:
      • High kinetic and energy resistance, strong protection from blasts, heat, and cold.
    • Example:
      • Plated Durasteel Armor: 50% kinetic resistance, 40% energy resistance, 35% heat resistance, Mind: 22, Action: 30, Health: 35.

Material Quality and How It Affects Armor Stats

The quality of materials used in crafting armor affects both the resistance and encumbrance values. Higher-quality materials lead to better protection with lower encumbrance, while low-quality materials result in weaker armor with higher encumbrance.

Material Quality Tiers:

  1. High-Quality Materials:

    • Description: Rare and refined materials, often found in difficult-to-reach areas or dropped by elite enemies. These materials provide superior stats and reduce encumbrance.
    • Impact on Armor:
      • Better Resistances: Higher damage resistance across all types.
      • Reduced Encumbrance: Significantly lower impact on Mind, Action, and Health pools.
    • Example:
      • Refined Durasteel Armor: 45% kinetic resistance, 30% energy resistance, Mind: 15, Action: 20, Health: 25.
  2. Mid-Quality Materials:

    • Description: Commonly gathered from moderate environments and enemies, mid-quality materials offer balanced stats with moderate encumbrance.
    • Impact on Armor:
      • Moderate Resistances: Balanced protection but less effective than high-quality materials.
      • Moderate Encumbrance: Noticeable impact on Mind, Action, and Health pools, but manageable.
    • Example:
      • Hardened Steel Armor: 35% kinetic resistance, 25% energy resistance, Mind: 18, Action: 25, Health: 28.
  3. Low-Quality Materials:

    • Description: Easily gathered from low-level enemies or common environments, low-quality materials result in lower resistances and high encumbrance.
    • Impact on Armor:
      • Lower Resistances: Less protection against damage types.
      • Higher Encumbrance: Significantly drains Mind, Action, and Health pools.
    • Example:
      • Basic Iron Armor: 20% kinetic resistance, 15% energy resistance, Mind: 22, Action: 30, Health: 35.

Example of Material Effects on Armor Crafting

  1. High-Quality Durasteel Armor (crafted with refined alloys):

    • Damage Resistances:
      • 50% kinetic resistance, 40% energy resistance, 35% blast resistance
    • Encumbrance:
      • Mind: 15, Action: 20, Health: 25
    • Durability: 1200 (long-lasting)
  2. Low-Quality Iron Armor (crafted with basic materials):

    • Damage Resistances:
      • 20% kinetic resistance, 10% energy resistance, 15% blast resistance
    • Encumbrance:
      • Mind: 22, Action: 30, Health: 35
    • Durability: 600 (requires more frequent repairs)

In SnapCats, armor plays a critical role in protecting players from damage, but it comes at the cost of encumbrance, which directly affects the Mind, Action, and Health pools. By carefully selecting materials, players can craft armor that provides optimal resistances with manageable encumbrance, allowing for balanced gameplay. High-quality materials yield better protection and lower encumbrance, while low-quality materials result in weaker, heavier armor that drains a player’s pools more significantly. Understanding these core mechanics is essential for crafting armor that suits your playstyle and combat needs.

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