
Unlocking the Doctor Class

The Doctor is an elite medical profession in SnapCats, specializing in advanced healing, curing debilitating conditions, and boosting allies’ health and combat efficiency through medical enhancements. Unlike the Combat Medic, who balances combat and healing, the Doctor focuses entirely on the medical side of support, offering powerful health regeneration, wound healing, and long-term buffs to teammates. To unlock the Doctor class, players must master both basic medical skills and resource management to provide high-level support.

Basic Classes Required to Unlock Doctor:

  1. Medic (Basic Class):

    • Why It’s Important: The Medic class provides foundational healing and buffing skills that are essential for any advanced medical profession, including the Doctor. It teaches the basics of healing injuries, curing status ailments, and improving health regeneration.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Healing Efficiency: Enhances the effectiveness of healing abilities, allowing the player to restore more health with each use.
      • Disease and Poison Cures: Enables the player to cure harmful status effects like poison, disease, and burns.
  2. Artisan (Optional but Beneficial):

    • Why It’s Important: The Artisan class allows players to create basic medical supplies and tools, which are useful for resource management and crafting more advanced medical items in the Doctor class.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Crafting Medical Supplies: Improves the ability to create medical tools and consumables, reducing resource costs and improving item quality.

Skill Tree Progression for Doctor

Once the Medic class is mastered, players can unlock the Doctor class and progress through skill trees that focus on advanced healing, status effect cures, and health enhancements. The Doctor is the most specialized healing class in the game, offering unparalleled healing and medical buffs, making them indispensable in both PvP and PvE content.

Doctor Skill Tree:

  1. Advanced Healing:

    • Improves the potency and effectiveness of healing abilities, allowing the Doctor to restore large amounts of health with minimal resource consumption. It also reduces cooldown times for healing abilities.
  2. Wound Treatment Mastery:

    • Allows the Doctor to treat more serious injuries that persist after combat, such as broken bones, burns, or deep wounds. This skill ensures that teammates are fully healed and ready for the next battle.
  3. Disease and Poison Cure:

    • Enhances the Doctor’s ability to cure debilitating diseases, poisons, and toxins that could otherwise weaken or incapacitate teammates. This is especially useful in hostile environments where biological or chemical threats are common.
  4. Revival Expertise:

    • Grants the Doctor the ability to revive fallen teammates, bringing them back with a significant portion of their health and action pools restored. Unlike the Combat Medic, the Doctor’s revival skills restore more health and can be used more frequently.
  5. Health Buffs:

    • Unlocks the ability to boost the maximum health of teammates through medical enhancements, increasing their overall survivability in combat. These buffs are long-lasting, making them crucial for extended missions or faction wars.
  6. Combat Enhancements:

    • Provides combat-enhancing buffs, such as increased stamina regeneration, action pool efficiency, and resistance to certain types of damage. These medical buffs can turn the tide of battle by keeping teammates performing at peak levels.
  7. Medical Crafting:

    • Improves the Doctor’s ability to craft high-quality medical tools, devices, and consumables, reducing the cost of crafting while increasing the effectiveness of the items produced.

Pros and Cons of the Doctor Class


  1. Unparalleled Healing Abilities:

    • Doctors provide the most powerful healing in the game, capable of restoring large amounts of health and curing all types of status effects, making them essential in both PvP and PvE scenarios.
  2. Support Buffs:

    • Doctors can enhance their teammates’ health and combat effectiveness with long-lasting buffs, giving their faction a critical advantage in large-scale battles or extended missions.
  3. Revive Abilities:

    • The ability to revive fallen allies with a significant amount of health and action points restored makes Doctors invaluable in keeping a team alive and fighting for longer.
  4. High Demand:

    • Doctors are always in demand within factions and player groups due to their powerful healing and buffing capabilities, ensuring they have a vital role in any combat situation.


  1. Non-Combat Role:

    • The Doctor class is almost entirely focused on healing and support, with very few combat abilities. Doctors must rely on their teammates for protection and cannot contribute significantly to damage output.
  2. Resource-Intensive:

    • Healing, crafting medical supplies, and buffing teammates requires a constant supply of resources, making the Doctor profession resource-heavy, especially during prolonged battles or missions.
  3. Vulnerable in Combat:

    • Without combat skills, Doctors are vulnerable to enemy attacks, and they often become high-priority targets in PvP scenarios. Staying protected and well-positioned is critical for survival.

The Doctor class is an elite support profession focused on healing, curing, and enhancing teammates’ abilities in combat. With the ability to restore large amounts of health, cure status effects, and provide long-lasting buffs, Doctors are essential for any team or faction engaged in serious combat. However, their reliance on resources and vulnerability in combat situations make them highly dependent on teammates for protection. Players who enjoy playing a dedicated support role will find the Doctor class both rewarding and crucial to their faction’s success.


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