Bounty Hunter

Unlocking the Bounty Hunter Class

The Bounty Hunter is an elite combat profession in SnapCats, specializing in tracking down and eliminating high-value targets. Bounty Hunters excel in PvP and PvE, with a focus on stealth, ranged combat, and tactical planning. They are experts at hunting down their prey, using advanced weaponry, traps, and gadgets to complete their missions. To unlock the Bounty Hunter class, players must first master combat-related basic classes and certain tracking skills.

Basic Classes Required to Unlock Bounty Hunter:

  1. Marksman (Basic Class):
    • Why It’s Important: The Marksman class teaches players the essential ranged combat skills that are crucial for a Bounty Hunter. Mastering precision with firearms is key to eliminating targets from a distance.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Rifle Proficiency: Focuses on long-range combat, allowing players to deal high damage from afar.
      • Pistol Mastery: Essential for close-quarters combat, providing quick, accurate shots at short range.
      • Critical Hits: Increases the chances of landing critical hits, an important skill for finishing targets quickly.
  2. Scout (Basic Class):
    • Why It’s Important: Scouts provide the foundational tracking and survival skills needed for hunting targets in the wild. Bounty Hunters need to locate and track their prey efficiently, and Scouts have the tools to do so.
    • Key Skills to Unlock:
      • Creature and Player Tracking: Allows players to track their targets across vast areas, whether in PvP or PvE.
      • Stealth Movement: Grants the ability to move undetected, an essential skill for setting ambushes or escaping detection.
      • Traps: Teaches the player how to set traps, which can be used to immobilize or weaken targets.

Skill Tree Progression for Bounty Hunter:

Once players have mastered the Marksman and Scout classes, they can begin unlocking the Bounty Hunter class by advancing through specialized skill trees focused on tracking, combat tactics, and eliminating high-value targets. The Bounty Hunter class provides access to advanced weapons, tracking systems, and lethal combat techniques.

Bounty Hunter Skill Tree:

  1. Target Tracking:
    • Allows players to track specific targets, whether they are NPCs or other players. Advanced tracking abilities can pinpoint a target’s location, movement patterns, and weaknesses.
  2. Advanced Ranged Combat:
    • Unlocks proficiency with specialized weaponry such as high-powered rifles, sniper rifles, and heavy pistols. This skill tree focuses on increasing damage output, accuracy, and critical hit chances in ranged combat.
  3. Bounty Contracts:
    • Grants access to special missions where players can accept contracts to hunt down high-value targets for rewards. These contracts can range from PvE bounty missions (hunting powerful NPCs) to PvP bounty missions (targeting specific players).
  4. Traps and Gadgets:
    • Teaches the Bounty Hunter how to deploy traps and gadgets that can immobilize, weaken, or damage their targets. This includes explosives, energy nets, and shock traps that can be used in a variety of tactical situations.
  5. Stealth Tactics:
    • This skill improves the Bounty Hunter’s ability to approach targets undetected, set ambushes, and escape after completing a mission. Players gain access to cloaking devices, smoke screens, and other stealth-enhancing gadgets.
  6. Execution Techniques:
    • Unlocks special finishing moves that allow the Bounty Hunter to eliminate incapacitated or weakened targets quickly. These execution techniques are essential for PvP and high-level PvE scenarios where fast eliminations are crucial.

Pros and Cons of the Bounty Hunter Class:


  1. High Damage Output:
    • Bounty Hunters specialize in high-damage ranged attacks, making them deadly in both PvP and PvE combat. Their proficiency with sniper rifles and heavy pistols allows them to deal significant damage before their targets can react.
  2. Target Elimination:
    • With the ability to track and execute high-value targets, Bounty Hunters excel at quickly and efficiently eliminating threats. This makes them invaluable in PvP, where hunting down enemy players can turn the tide of battle.
  3. Stealth and Mobility:
    • Bounty Hunters have excellent stealth and mobility, allowing them to move across the battlefield undetected. This makes them ideal for ambushes, surprise attacks, and escaping dangerous situations.
  4. Variety of Tactics:
    • The use of traps, gadgets, and advanced weapons gives Bounty Hunters a wide range of tactical options. Whether it’s setting traps for a target or using stealth to get in and out of dangerous areas, Bounty Hunters can adapt to any combat scenario.


  1. Reliance on Tracking and Planning:
    • Bounty Hunters require careful planning and tracking to be effective. While powerful in combat, they are not suited for rushing into battle. Their strength lies in hunting and ambushing, which can be a slower, more methodical playstyle.
  2. Limited Close Combat Ability:
    • While Bounty Hunters can use pistols in close combat, they are primarily ranged specialists. If caught in melee combat, they may struggle against stronger melee classes like Brawlers or Swordsmen.
  3. Resource-Intensive:
    • Using traps, gadgets, and high-powered weapons can be resource-intensive. Bounty Hunters may need to regularly replenish their ammunition, gadgets, and other consumables, which can be costly and time-consuming.

The Bounty Hunter class offers a high-risk, high-reward playstyle centered around hunting and eliminating targets with precision. By mastering the Marksman and Scout classes, players can unlock this elite profession, gaining access to powerful ranged weapons, advanced tracking abilities, and deadly traps. Bounty Hunters are the ultimate assassins in SnapCats, excelling in both PvP and PvE through their ability to eliminate high-value targets quickly and efficiently. While resource-intensive and reliant on stealth and planning, the rewards for mastering this class are significant, making the Bounty Hunter a fearsome force on the battlefield.

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